OPM PLYWOOD-2016 Mart ayından itibaren OPM Birchply markası ile kendi adına Rusya'da PLYWOOD ürettimi yapmaktadır.

Pi Plak
Turkey’s first plastic plywood. A high resistant material due to its raw material. PVC Based Plywood

Kronospan OSB 2
It is primarily used for buildings where wood based plates are required such as wall panels in interior designing, floor panels and constructions as well as load-bearing construction of furnished furniture manufacturing, as a Decorative material, for Shelf production and packaging production for Transport (except liquid transport).

Extra Birch
Extra Birch is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It can be used 40 – 60+ times due to its birch structure that is a cold climate tree.

Kronospan OSB 3
OSB 3 that is more durable against humidty than OSB 2 class is used primarily in roof construction as well as wall panels, floor panels and constructions in interior designing. In load bearing constructions of furnished furniture manufacturing, as a Decorative material, for Shelf production and packaging production for Transport (except liquid transport).

OSB – Drywall Screw (2,5cm) is applied as 30 screws per plate when OSB is applied to roof woods. (Warning: This screw is not applied to iron profiles.) It is applied as 50 screws per plate when it is applied to gypsum. Our price is 1 unit price.

WISA-Form Birch
WISA-Form Birch is birch plywood that is coated with a smooth and wear resistant phenolic film. Panels are used 60-80+ times for concrete form works. Concrete casting works (walls and floor) where high resistance and smooth surface of birch tree is required.
Special quality and colors are available for internal walls of buildings and commercial vehicles but these are not recommended for concrete forms.
Special quality and colors are available for internal walls of buildings and commercial vehicles but these are not recommended for concrete forms.

WISA-Form Beto
made of Birch and internal layers of which are made of Birch and Spruce trees. It is a durable material that can be used for long term with its superior technical specifications and is produced in Finnish factories. It is coated with dark brown phenolic film “WISA-Form Beto” (120 g/m2) that imprints the product name.
Material that is produced in Finnish factories can be used in the mould for 50-70+ times in average.
Material that is produced in Finnish factories can be used in the mould for 50-70+ times in average.

Plywood tropik sınıfının bir üyesi olan Balko Plywood Tropic Malezya, genellikle asya kıtasında tropik iklimlerin hakim olduğu coğrafyadan kalite anlayışı çerçevesinde, teknik şartnamelere bağlı anlaşmalar ile tropikal sert ağaçlardan üretilen bir filmli kontraplak türüdür.

Balko Plywood Eco Brazil is a member of economic plywood class and is obtained by cutting and cross pressing the pine trees in Brazil that are suitable for plywood production. Its film is used in plywood material concrete forms and ensures exposed concrete.

Film-coated Radiata Pine Plywood is produced by cross pressing proper pine layers that are suitable for plywood structure from endemic forests of Chile.

WISA-Multifloor is a high quality thermoplastic coated floor panel. It is used for floors where stylish appearance and durability are required. For example, Delivery Trucks, Stages, Tribune Floors and Sports Centre Applications. WISA-Multifloor is an ideal floor covering product that meets various requirements of transportation and building industry.

Maxi Birch is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It is used for areas where high resistance, beautiful appearance and/or 50-70 times re-use are required.

Film-coated Indonesian Plywood is produced by cross pressing of hard tropical wood layers that are suitable for plywood that is grown and meticulously selected from endemic forests of Indonesia. It can be used for 30-45 times in the mould.

Lambri Plywood at 15 mm thickness is used for the practical coating of lager areas at the size of 2440 mm x 1220 mm. It ensures practice. It can be used especially in ceilings, eaves and exterior facade coating. It is a product suitable for different internal and external applications. Its price and workmanship are very economic compared to normal lambri.
It has 5 layers and is made of pine tree.
It has 5 layers and is made of pine tree.

WISA-Hexa is hexagonal birch plywood panel that is coated with phenolic film. Many floor applications where expectations are high: Commercial vehicles, industrial floors, work platforms, ladders and audience tribunes. Front surface: Brown, hexagon, phenolic film with 10 cm diameter. It is produced in grey upon request. Back surface: Flat or with logo, humidity barrier coated with phenolic resin. Edge insulation: Acrylic based painting

WISA-Hexa (Grey)
WISA-Hexa is hexagonal birch plywood panel in grey that is coated with phenolic film. Many floor applications where expectations are high: Commercial vehicles, industrial floors, work platforms, ladders and audience tribunes. Front surface: Brown, hexagon, phenolic film with 10 cm diameter. It is produced in grey upon request. Back surface: Flat or with logo, humidity barrier coated with phenolic resin. Edge insulation: Acrylic based painting

Wire mesh is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It is a type of tree that is suitable for plywood and gives additional strength to plywood due to its Birch structure that has cold climate. Balko wire mesh is a high plywood with one uneven side, frequent layers and high resistance that is recommended to be used for areas with high repetition number.

Uncoated Russian Birch is made of birch plywood at the thickness of 1.4 mm. It is used for areas such as furniture, packing cases, carpentry industry and printing box moulds. It is cross bonded with MR glue. Surface appearance quality is BB/CP.

Balko Uncoated Birch is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It is used for areas where high resistance, beautiful appearance and/or many uses are required. Primary areas of use are in furniture, construction interior and exterior walls. It is cross bonded with phenolic resin and is durable against humidity and water (WBP). Surface appearance quality is BB/CP.

Thickness of WISA-Spruce layers is 1,4 - 3,2 mm spruce plywood. Panels are suitable for many uses where strength of birch plywood is required. WISA-Spruce plywood is used for roofing, interior and exterior facing, transport, construction, packaging and carpentry industries.

Kontra OSB
Kontra OSB is a preferred product with surface appearance and flexibility used in logistics industry primarily for furniture, roof, wooden house construction, reverse ceiling applications. It is a preferred product in furniture industry as well with surface condition, lightness and nail withdrawal.

The surface of material is more yellow and brighter compared to other osbs since it is made of European Yellow Pine. It is primarily used for areas where more decorative surface is required and quality is wanted to be increased in building applications.

German OSB 3 is a more durable product against humidity compared to OSB 2 and its surface is more yellow and brighter compared to other OSB since it is made of European Yellow Pine. It is primarily used for roof construction and areas where more decorative surface is required and quality is wanted to be increased in building applications.

Betopan 2000
Basic characteristic of Betopan is that it offers good properties of cement and tree within its structure to the user. Thus, this product is primarily suitable and economic for exterior facing.

Betopan 2000
Betopan ‘ın temel özelliği, bünyesindeki çimento ve ağaç’ın, iyi özelliklerini kullanıcıya birlikte sunmasıdır. Bu sebeple özellikle dış cephe kaplamasında en uygun ve ekonomik bir üründür.

Betopan 2500
Basic characteristic of Betopan is that it offers good properties of cement and tree within its structure to the user. Thus, this product is primarily suitable and economic for exterior facing.

Formwork Wooden Beam is more durable and has a longer life compared to traditional wooden mould. It use ensures high savings in formwork costs.

It is a multi-layered and high resistant wooden building material that is made of pine wood with advanced KERTO® techniques. It provides a very important opportunity for new and unique designs in building industry. It has a size of 3900mm x 1500mm x 38mm.

UNCOATED BIRCH 2150 (6,5mm)
It has a size of 2150mm x 1830mm and 6.5 mm thickness and is made of Russian birch wood, is five-layered and WBP glued and is an uncoated special size plywood with BB/BB surface quality. Balko Uncoated Birch is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It is used for areas where high resistance, beautiful appearance and/or many uses are required. Primary areas of use are in furniture, construction interior and exterior walls. It is cross bonded with phenolic resin and is durable against humidity and water (WBP). Surface appearance quality is BB/CP.

UNCOATED BIRCH 3850 (12mm)
It has a size of 3850mm X 2150mm and 12mm thickness and is made of Russian birch wood, is nine-layered and WBP glued and is an uncoated special size plywood with BB/BB surface quality. Balko Uncoated Birch is made of birch plywood with 1.4 mm thickness. It is used for areas where high resistance, beautiful appearance and/or many uses are required. Primary areas of use are in furniture, construction interior and exterior walls. It is cross bonded with phenolic resin and is durable against humidity and water (WBP). Surface appearance quality is BB/CP.